Web Authoring and Design Links
WebCredible - Ten CSS tricks you may not know
- includes tips on centre-aligning a box element, vertical alignment, and positioning within a container
- (via del.icio.us)
A List Apart - Bulleted Lists: Multi-Layered Fudge
- using CSS to create two columns of bulleted lists in the flow of the text
WebReference.com - JavaScript and Accessibility, Pt. 1.
- practical and standards-compliant use of JavaScript; first in a three-part series
- (via del.icio.us)
456 Berea Street - Developing With Web Standards: Recommendations and Best Practices
- good overview of what standards exist, why to use them, and basic authoring tips, with plenty of links to more information
- (via InfoDesign)
WebSiteOptimization.com - Optimize PDF Files
- tips on shrinking PDFs for web use
- (via InformIT)
Accessible Information Solutions - Colour Contrast Analyser
- “a tool for checking foreground & background colour combinations to determine if they provide good colour visibility”
- (via Column Two)
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